PO Box 4044,Wilmington,NC 28406

2011 N.C. QSO Party

The Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club will participate in the 2011 N.C. QSO Party with our club station NI4BK. The party will be on Sunday, Febuary 27 from Noon until 10:00pm est from the radio rooms of the Battleship USS North Carolina.

All amateurs in the area are invited to join in on the fun of the N.C. QSO Party. We hope to be running at least 3 stations and a possible 4th station. We need CW operators, SSB operators, loggers and people to explain to the visitors on the N.C. what we are doing.

Last year we finished 3rd in the "In State Club Division". This year we will not be in the competion because we are one of the four bonus stations in the contest. As one of the four 50 bonus point stations we expect to be in high demand during the QSO Party. Come out and support your radio club, our national treasure the Battleship USS North Carolina and your state QSO Party.

Operate for as long as you like and the hours you can. If you have any questons contact WD4OIN

2011 results

The 2011 QSO Party was a winner!


20 Meter SSB 157 Contacts 13 DX & 4 Counties

40 Meter SSB 109 Contacts 30 Counties


20 Meter CW 44 Contacts

40 Meter CW 18 Contacts

80 Meter CW 20 Contacts

We had 10 amateurs to come out and work the QSO Party !